Year: 2012

Project Cardboard

I know I’ve been talking a lot about these new cool Augmented Reality glasses Google’s Project Glass demoed recently. Even the Book of the Week (The End of Hardware) reflected the hands-free, future-is-now approach. And of course, I couldn’t help but share it with friends. I made a very “quick and dirty” prototyping experiment: create these…

Limited Language: rewriting design

Feedback Culture This book has put into words some of the thoughts I’ve been having, as well as how and what my conceptual framework for my MA project is. It addresses reflection on design practice, and touches on Relational Aesthetics, open-ended (and shared) experiences, micro-utopias and asks: what happens after humanising technology through design? This…


ACRYLIC I tried cutting acrylic with laser. I wanted to cut words that relate to my project; some results were crisp and detailed, others fell apart (too thin type, and I need to play more with the settings). Either way, I loved ending up with pieces like these! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Co-create Experience limps Reality is broken…
stereoscopica - rosa hernandez

Laser-cut Paper

I took an Encyclopedia, ripped it apart, and laser-cut the hell out of it. Then, I re-bound it, and as I was brushing off the burnt dust in it, I discovered how each page showed a different pattern (a big book having lots of images), and how the letters looked on both pages (I’ll try…