stereoscopica - rosa hernandez

Co-design workshop


I ran a workshop centered on design process as part of my Master’s. I got my class to help me out and together, we designed a situation, product or service. In order to do so, in teams, we would pick one word from three categories in the board, blindfolded.


Then, we sketched and brainstormed ideas according to our keywords coming up with a service or product. After this, each team pitched their idea to the whole group. Afterwards we made prototypes: whether cardboard prototypes or models, showing what our idea could be or do.

Finally, we role-played the concept, thinking as the user, giving another dimension to the design process.

2codesign3@2x5codesign18@2x6codesign17@2x7codesign19@2xHere Vibeke and Joaquim deviced a coat that would be made out of recycled organic material: old people’s wrinkles (hey, that’s the words they got!).

8codesign4@2x9codesign15@2x10codesign14@2x11codesign16@2xHaozhen and I explored a hallway that can let you peek into a parallel universe.


A foldable bridge (powered by a horse!). 

For fun, the last stage was to go from co-design to co-action, meaning that we got to interact together exploring different digital tools using our whole body, in order to further explore our concepts in a more physically interactive way. In this part of the workshop we used Cariad Interactive’s open source software.

codesign817codesign10@2x15codesign6@2x16codesign9@2xtesting_sparklestesting_sparkles2Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 11.48.17 AMsparkles_allsparkles_all2Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 11.49.34 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-28 at 11.50.04 AMsparkles_all3sparkles_all4

This workshop helped strengthen my design methodology and helped other designers have insights about their own method while having a bunch of fun.

You can also check out the workshop on my website here.

firma 2

codesign, design process, experiments, participatory design, workshop
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