Book of the week

Exhibition: yearbook

For the end of year show, the department of graphic design (students) create a publication/yearbook of the work being exhibited. In past years they have made a book where they take your picture, and some sketches and photographs of your exhibited work. They have also featured interviews with some teachers, and head of departments, in…

Book of the Week: The Annotated Alice in Wonderland

The Annotated Alice in Wonderland “Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way” I’ve always loved Alice. Maybe I relate to the white rabbit constantly racing against time, or the asking-blunt-questions-keep-getting-curiouser…

Limited Language: rewriting design

Feedback Culture This book has put into words some of the thoughts I’ve been having, as well as how and what my conceptual framework for my MA project is. It addresses reflection on design practice, and touches on Relational Aesthetics, open-ended (and shared) experiences, micro-utopias and asks: what happens after humanising technology through design? This…

I heart Avant Garde

My current favorite necklace, bought on Etsy. Also, I just finished I love Type 02: Avant Garde, a book edited by Victionary, about the Avant Garde font used in many different projects. Inspirational and a nice visual break from the dense chunks of text I’ve been reading (as of late). ***Cheerful note: starting a laser cut…